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Tag: Blef (Besk)
Crew: MOD, Pusher, Superfluo, PUF
City: Genova
Since: 1992
Surface: Right now I am very focused on painting canvases and walls. I try to adapt my language according to the support I use, always feeling free to experiment with the subjects and shapes that the chosen surface suggests to me.
Start: When I started, almost thirty years ago, it was all very spontaneous and painting was the best answer I found to my need to express myself, no matter if I didn't know the rules properly or ignored the history of aerosol culture.Today, after all this time, the experience I have gathered, the stylistic evolution and the human path I have taken, I can safely say that that initial flame is still there and I hope it will never go out. I keep on drawing because I wouldn't be able to do otherwise.

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